
শুক্রবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩

Setup DNS Server step by step in CentOS 6.3 / RHEL 6.3 / Scientific Linux 6.3

Linux DNS server BIND configuration

 This article is a quick configuration manual of a Linux DNS server using bind. I believe that bind do not need much introduction, but before you proceed with the installation and configuration of bind nameserver make sure that bind DNS server is exactly what you want. Default setup and execution of bind on Debian or Ubuntu may take around 200MB of RAM with no zones added to the config file. Unless you reduce the memory usage of a bind via various bind "options" config settings, be prepared to have some spare RAM available just for this service. This fact is even more important if you pay for your own VPS server.

Another DNS nameservers available on a Linux systems are NSD ( Name Server Daemon) or djbdns ( tinydns ). Both are lightweight alternatives to bind9 DNS server and have less RAM requirements. Apparently are even faster.
In this article we will not go into details of what Domain Name Service ( DNS ) is nor how DNS works. Rather we simply concentrate in a simple configuration of a custom zone and config file for a given domain / host supporting www, mail services.
Sample scenario notes to help you ready this DNS bind howto:
  • nameserver IP address
  • sample domain / host:
  • authoritative nameservers for a zone: ( ) and ( )
  • www and mail services for will point to:

Red Hat versions 5.1 and earlier used the BIND 4.x package, which used a slightly different format for its configuration file. BIND 8.x offers more functionality over that offered by BIND 4.x, and as 4.x is no longer being developed, you should probably consider upgrading your BIND package to the latest version. Simply install the BIND RPM package (see Section 10.1 for details on using the RPM utility), then convert your configuration file to the new format.
Fortunately, converting your existing BIND 4.x configuration file to be compliant with BIND 8.x is easy! In the documentation directory provided as part of BIND (for example, ``/usr/doc/bind-8.1.2/'' for BIND version 8.1.2), there exists a file called ``'', which is an executable Perl program. Assuming you have Perl installed on your system, you can use this program to convert your configuration file. To do so, type the following commands (as root):
cd /usr/doc/bind-8.1.2
./ < /etc/named.boot > /etc/named.conf
mv /etc/named.boot /etc/named.boot-obsolete
You should now have an ``/etc/named.conf'' file which should work with BIND 8.x "out-of-the-box". Your existing DNS tables will work as-is with the new version of BIND, as the format of the tables remains the same.
Configuration of DNS services under Linux involves the following steps:
  1. To enable DNS services, the ``/etc/host.conf'' file should look like this:
    # Lookup names via /etc/hosts first, then by DNS query
    order hosts, bind
    # We don't have machines with multiple addresses
    multi on
    # Check for IP address spoofing
    nospoof on
    # Warn us if someone attempts to spoof
    alert on
    The extra spoof detection adds a bit of a performance hit to DNS lookups (although negligible), so if you're not too worried about this you may wish to disable the "nospool" and "alert" entries.
  2. Configure the ``/etc/hosts'' file as needed. Typically there doesn't need to be much in here, but for improved performance you can add any hosts you access often (such as local servers) to avoid performing DNS lookups on them.
  3. The ``/etc/named.conf'' file should be configured to point to your DNS tables according to the example below.
    Note: (Note: IP addresses shown are examples only and must be replaced with your own class addresses!):
    options {
     // DNS tables are located in the /var/named directory
     directory "/var/named";
     // Forward any unresolved requests to our ISP's name server
     // (this is an example IP address only -- do not use!)
     forwarders {;
      * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
      * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
      * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
      * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
      * port by default.
     // query-source address * port 53;
    // Enable caching and load root server info
    zone "named.root" {
     type hint;
     file "";
    // All our DNS information is stored in /var/named/mydomain_name.db
    // (eg. if = then use foobar_com.db)
    zone "" {
     type master;
     file "mydomain_name.db";
     allow-transfer {; };
    // Reverse lookups for 123.12.41.*, .42.*, .43.*, .44.* class C's
    // (these are example Class C's only -- do not use!)
    zone "12.123.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
     type master;
     file "123_12.rev";
     allow-transfer {; };
    // Reverse lookups for 126.27.18.*, .19.*, .20.* class C's
    // (these are example Class C's only -- do not use!)
    zone "27.126.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
     type master;
     file "126_27.rev";
     allow-transfer {; };
    Tip: Tip: Make note of the allow-transfer options above, which restricts DNS zone transfers to a given IP address. In our example, we are allowing the host at (probably a slave DNS server in our domain) to request zone transfers. If you omit this option, anyone on the Internet will be able to request such transfers. As the information provided is often used by spammers and IP spoofers, I strongly recommend you restrict zone transfers except to your slave DNS server(s), or use the loopback address, ``'' instead.
  4. Now you can set up your DNS tables in the ``var/named/'' directory as configured in the ``/etc/named.conf'' file in step three. Configuring DNS database files for the first time is a major undertaking, and is beyond the scope of this document. There are several guides, online and in printed form that should be referred to. However, several examples are provided below.
    Sample entries in the ``/var/named/mydomain_name.db'' forward lookup file:
    ; This is the Start of Authority (SOA) record.  Contains contact
    ; & other information about the name server.  The serial number
    ; must be changed whenever the file is updated (to inform secondary
    ; servers that zone information has changed).
        @ IN SOA (
     19990811 ; Serial number
     3600  ; 1 hour refresh
     300  ; 5 minutes retry
     172800  ; 2 days expiry
     43200 )  ; 12 hours minimum
    ; List the name servers in use.  Unresolved (entries in other zones)
    ; will go to our ISP's name server
     IN NS
     IN NS
    ; This is the mail-exchanger.  You can list more than one (if
    ; applicable), with the integer field indicating priority (lowest
    ; being a higher priority)
     IN MX
    ; Provides optional information on the machine type & operating system
    ; used for the server
     IN HINFO Pentium/350 LINUX
    ; A list of machine names & addresses    IN A   ; OpenVMS Alpha     IN A   ; Linux (main server)     IN A   ; Windows NT (blech!)
    ; Including any in our other class C's   IN A  ; Linux test machine   IN A  ; Linux devel. kernel
    ; Alias (canonical) names
        gopher IN CNAME
        ftp  IN CNAME
        www  IN CNAME
    Sample entries in the ``/var/named/123_12.rev'' reverse lookup file:
    ; This is the Start of Authority record.  Same as in forward lookup table.
        @ IN SOA (
     19990811 ; Serial number
     3600  ; 1 hour refresh
     300  ; 5 minutes retry
     172800  ; 2 days expiry
     43200 )  ; 12 hours minimum
    ; Name servers listed as in forward lookup table
     IN NS
     IN NS
    ; A list of machine names & addresses, in reverse.  We are mapping
    ; more than one class C here, so we need to list the class B portion
    ; as well.
        40.41 IN PTR
        41.41 IN PTR
        42.41 IN PTR
    ; As you can see, we can map our other class C's as long as they are
    ; under the 123.12.* class B addresses
        24.42 IN PTR
        250.42 IN PTR
        24.43 IN PTR
        66.44 IN PTR
    ; No alias (canonical) names should be listed in the reverse lookup
    ; file (for obvious reasons).

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